A norwegian healer have been found guilty according to norwegian quackery laws.
The healer originally started to treat a middle aged woman for migraines in 2008. When the woman two years later was diagnosed with intestinal cancer, she kept using the healer for help. The local cancer ward advised chemotherapy, which supposedly was halted due to the healer claiming that the therapy interfered with his treatment.
The healer continued his treatment even after the hospital asked the healer to discontinue the treatment.
The woman died in 2010 and the healer was given a suspended sentence of 30 days in 2014. After a retrial in 2015 the court doubled the sentence to 60 days. This is one of the few times the norwegian court system have implemented the quackery laws.
Two of Norway´s foremost skeptics have condemned Michael Winger´s supposedly finding of a body earlier in 2014.
Winger claimed he used his powers to locate the body of a missing man in Nes county in Norway. He found the body of the man in the woods together with a local dog owner.
Skeptics Gunnar Tjomlid and Didrik Søderlind picks the claims apart in the news article and Tjomlid also wrote a longer blog post which is more precise.
In short terms, the skeptics showed that Winger already had been in the area, and that he knew where the search parties, yet hadn’t looked.
Norwegian skeptics have since 2009 been meeting regularly at pubs or taverns in Oslo. Their website can be found in the link or you can search the phrase “skeptikere på puben” at Facebook.
Meetings are usually once a month, but will be held at different dates or venues depending on different circumstances.
In a tv interview the norwegian princess claims to communicate with horses. Having previously competed in showjumping on a high level, the princess has started to dabble in pseudoscience.
She also claims to communicate with angels, offers courses for communicating with angels, animals or simple healing.
She and her associate have also collaborated with Lisa Williams.