Jean-Claude Artus is a nuclear physician and oncologist at the Montpellier Cancer Centre. He teaches biophysics, nuclear medicine and “Cancers and the Environment” at the Montpellier Faculty of Medicine. He has been very active and is still called on -notably before the courts- as an expert in the field of health issues in connection with the nuclear energy,
He is chairman of ARCOPRED, (Health Prevention for Seniors), belongs to the scientific committee of the AFIS magazine “Science & Pseudo-Sciences”, and to PNC-France association (Patrimoine NuclĂ©aire &Climat). Furthermore, he is often invited to lecture on subjects such as environmental carcinogenic risks.
Nuclear energy… Good for your health?
Over the years, the word “nuclear” has become synonymous with health risks and even significant technological and ecological risks. This drift can be attributed to the lack of scientific literacy that the media and even some politicians quickly exploit.
As a result, the benefits of controlled, low-carbon electricity and the essential contribution of nuclear power to medical applications are overlooked. Nuclear medicine is at the root of ever more advanced applications, which have been constantly evolving and have become essential for over a century.
Despite their power, the media and today’s social networks have been unable, or unwilling, to provide the minimum of knowledge that would enable us to understand what the weight of words represents and thus lift the veil on basic knowledge of nuclear energy.
The speaker proposes to shed light on the blind spot of this risk, both in its contribution to medical practice and in estimating the industrial risk that is so easily integrated into the fluctuations of natural nuclear exposure.